

The Inuvik Ski Club strives to offer programming for skiers of all ages and abilities.

Check our event calendar for the most up-to-date information on what’s happening. In past seasons, we have offered:

  • Family Ski Days
  • Learn to Ski Lessons (adults)
  • Nordiq Canada’s Jackrabbits, Bunnyrabbits, and Track Attack Programs
  • Inuvik Youth Centre FUNdamentals
  • East Three High School and Elementary School ski sessions

Want to learn to ski but don't have your own equipment? No problem, thanks to the Inuvik Ski Club's rental program!

Coaches, instructors, groomers, and event planners: our programs depend on passionate and dedicated community volunteers!

The Inuvik Ski Club's annual Loppet event, held under the spring sunshine each April, is now in it's 51st year!

Learn-To-Ski Lessons

Ski Lessons for Adults in Classic and Skate Techniques

Ski lessons include:

  • 4 classes per session, 1 class per week;
  • Small class sizes with lots of personalized feedback and individual instruction;
  • Full equipment rental (skis, boots, poles), and;
  • Certified and enthusiastic instructors!

Athlete and Skill Development

NORDIQ CANADA: Skill Development Program (SDP)

Nordiq Canada has developed a modern, state-of-the-art progression of skill development programs for children. This exciting program conforms to the Canadian LTAD model and provides development opportunities for children in the first stages of skier development.

  • The Bunnyrabbit Program is directed at children in the ‘Active Start’ stage of development. This is the first level of the SDP program.
  • The Jackrabbit Program is directed at children in the ‘FUNdamentals’ stage of development. This is the second level of the SDP program.
  • The Track Attack Program is directed at children in the ‘Learning to Train’ stage of development. This is the third level of the SDP program.